Bless Vineyard churches are international in flavour, ecumenical in welcome, and missional in expression.
Find us in Caen, and Villedômer, near Tours. If you’re looking for a church family to join in one of these areas we’d love to welcome you, and our gatherings are a great place to start.
Seven Stories is our school of worship + mission which runs twice a year in the beautiful setting of Béthanie, the home of Bless.
It’s an eight-day deep dive into the purposes of God, exploring the Bible’s story from creation to restoration through great teaching in a place of beauty.
Everyone needs a home. Ours is Béthanie, an old converted cider farm set in five acres of Normandy countryside.
On-site, there’s a farmhouse and cottage, the Lacey where we meet for teaching and coffee, a presence-soaked prayer room, and the Apple Barn where we gather for mealtimes.