For the one…

Today in SOS Chai I have found myself focused on the one - I was shedding tears of joy as I drove into work thinking about a breakthrough visa situation for a family to get to France; for someone who has become a dear friend. In lessons this afternoon, as it’s a festival day for many of our Afgan friends, we only had one boy come in, but we played language games with him anyways, and was such fun to get to know him better. This evening I spotted a guy who I’ve known for 5 years now who arrived from Mali & I had such a precious time with him playing games and just chatting ….

One-on-one time is such a gift, just to be able to listen better & care more deeply. For the last guy, he was able to share about some problems with his feet and hopefully we can get that sorted, but as he told me that living in a tiny tent with the bare basics was just one of the choices in life- “so some live in houses, some in squats and some in tents; I’m in a tent and that’s ok, “ I felt such frustration that at the age of 23, it sounded like he had decided this was it, but maybe he has just learnt to be content there right now which is challenging me even as I write this.

I’m so grateful for my individual conversations and connections today. It was a day to see the one, not the crowd. To slow down and listen deeper, to empathize, and to just come alongside. Precious encounters with wonderfully strong and brave people, it was a gift of a day in so many ways. Each one is precious, and I pray they know how valuable they are.


Blessings and Frustrations…


Wheres Harry?